Users in this career have rated it a 2.2 in terms of their own personal satisfaction with the career. This figure represents an average taken from the responses of 1075 users during registration.
Users were asked to rate their happiness in their current occupation as being either "Very Happy" (4), "Happy" (3), "Mixed / Neutral" (2), "Not Happy" (1), or "Miserable" (0).
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are 12 reviews of this career. The most recent 3 reviews are listed below. You can see more reviews by clicking on "Read all reviews..." at the bottom of this page.
I work as a Business Systems Analyst and its one of the few growing fields currently in USA. The pay can be pretty good with only 5-6 yrs of experience under your belt and you dont need to be a computer wizkid either. All it takes is a competency to be analytical, having an eye for detail and excellent communication. On the flip side, it can be pretty monotonous sometimes in some of the companies depending on how they use the BSA.
I'm an SAP Analyst; this career is in high demand. If you have the motivation get trained and move over to this field. Companies pay big $$ bonuses and 6 figure salaries for those who are very proficient at what they do. I'm very happy that I studied SAP in business school and have the opportunity to work with it every day. Some of the cons are long hours when a specific tast needs done, but what field is that not common in? I would definitally choose this career again if I had to go back in time!
This is a fabulous career for people who love technology, love creative thinking and problem solving, but who don't love hands on development work. However you have to be real careful that you don't become a babysitter for the IT department. You have to be able to express yourself well in writing as well as verbally. You get the unique oppertunity to work with all deparments in the company on the various projects that go on. However you also are the one "holding the bag" if/when something goes wrong due to an oversite in project documentation. Overall I am very happy in my career as it is challenging, keeps you up on the leading edge of technology and offers you great networking and freelance oppertunities.