Users in this career have rated it a 1.8 in terms of their own personal satisfaction with the career. This figure represents an average taken from the responses of 2739 users during registration.
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are 17 reviews of this career. The most recent 3 reviews are listed below. You can see more reviews by clicking on "Read all reviews..." at the bottom of this page.
My advice to those that are interested in a career in the customer service field is that you must be a person of patience. Most times you will come across many people who are busy and want things done now and along with that comes the impatience. As a customer service rep you must be kind, patient as well an open minded and a great listener. It is by far not an easy position at all to hold and can be a great deal of stress depending on your own mindset when coming to work. I would honestly say if you are the type of person who can leave your outside troubles at the door this is the position for you. I recommend it to anyone with a kind heart and a good understanding of other human beings. If you enjoy helping others and getting the job done this is the position for you. If I had to pick careers again I would say I would definitely be a customer service rep. Nowadays there are so many areas meaning that you can work via internet customers whether in a technical aspect or as a member service rep via live chat or thru email, depending on the company. Customer Service isn't always phones. It can be merely chat or email as well. The pro's of the Customer Service Rep career is that you feel fulfillment for helping others as well as there is a great chance of promotions in this particular position. The cons are the constant turn over rate. You meet many who stay but a lot also who leave as well as it's hard to find high paying customer service positions with everything being outsourced. I believe that many people as stated before only think that Customer Service is phone work I believe many don't realize that many times especially for internet companies there are customer service reps answering email inquires and not automated responses answering via email as well as live chat's are a team of customer service representatives as well.
I am a home-shored customer service representative for a major office supply company. While the best part of my job is the environment - I work from home on my own computer - the drawback is compensation. I love not having to dress and go to the office. I love that Customer Service is about solving problems - all kinds of problems every single day. It's also about taking orders, giving information and pricing. It's a good job which requires me to think about it while I am doing it. I don't have to take it home at night - but I don't get paid much either. In fact, I don't have sick time, or paid vacation time. I have not had a raise in three years - and no matter how well I do my job - I cannot expect one.
Being a customer service representative is a great job for people with a great personality and who enjoys talking with other people. You have to deal with situations that can become stressful, but you have to work around the tough situations and look for a positive resolution. It can become difficlut sometimnes when people have problems. But you have to listen to what they have to say, and give them the best customer satisfaction possible. It's great talking to people everyday. You make new friends, and make people's day if you've helped them. I would recommend any customer service job for anybody looking for a great career with the public!
The U.S. Treasury once printed $100,000 bills (featuring a portrait of Woodrow Wilson) but none of the bills were ever released into public circulation.
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