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are 7 reviews of this career. The most recent 3 reviews are listed below. You can see more reviews by clicking on "Read all reviews..." at the bottom of this page.
I am a radiation oncologist in India and while Radiation oncology is the field to be in the US it is still a less recognized field in India. However I am extremely satisfied with my career till date as it fulfills my desire to work with patients of a dreaded disease (i.e. cancer) using the most modern and non invasive of technologies - i.e. radiation therapy. The trust and faith that a cancer patient places on his/her oncologist is not something you can get in any other discipline. Also as a radiation oncologist you have to keep in touch with almost all medical fields as patients suffering from cancers of any organ system may be referred to you. As such I would recommend that a person thinking about coming to this field should have open mind and willingness to learn. He/ She should have some basic knowledge about physics and should have a good imagination. Unlike the popular perception radiation oncology is one of the safest professions in the world and while it may not be paying as well as other disciplines it is a field where there is scope for innovation and new thinking. I certainly would like to take this as a career if given a choice again. The cons as far as India is concerned is the lack of good job opportunities - however the senario is fast changing now. Another important disadvantage is that as oncologists you have to accept a high degree of failures and should not get discouraged by that.
In order to become a physician, one must go through medical school and residency. Medical school requires a tremendous amount of commitment and a willingness to sacrifice one's personal life for the possibility of attaining a certain type of life after an average eight years of training and 200,000 dollars of debt. Physicians are increasingly constrained by the strictures of managed health care, and are compromised in their ability to provide therapy for the patients on the basis of what is medically neccessary. Instead, they are required to pick from among the cheapest therapies available that have been selected by an HMO for the express purpose of limiting costs.
In addition to the problems of working within managed care, physicians must alter the way they practice medicine in order not to be sued by unscrupoulous injury and malpractice attorneys, often running many uneccessary tests in order to insulate themselves from accusations that they didn't do enough to help a patient and are therefore at fault for negative outcomes.
Though a great deal of personal satisfaction can be found in helping others, the realities of today's physician preclude this from being an attractive career option.
Hi, I'm a physiatrist or rehabilitation physician. I love this field and would recommend it to people who want to help the disabled and be team leaders in multidisciplinary healthcare settings. My advice is to do well in your basic science classes in college so that you can be a strong medical school candidate. When you get to medical school, concentrate on your neurology and orthopedics because you'll need them a lot when you get to residency. When you finish you'll have a job that pays well and is less stressful than most other branches of medicine. One draw back is that people never know exactly what you do when you tell them you're a physiatrist. Also it's annoying when people ask you if you're a physical therapist which we are not. We are the doctors who prescribe therapy so that the therapists can work with the patients.
The U.S. Treasury once printed $100,000 bills (featuring a portrait of Woodrow Wilson) but none of the bills were ever released into public circulation.
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