Careers / Stationary Engineers and Boiler Operators |
Summary Description |
Operate or maintain stationary engines, boilers, or other mechanical equipment to provide utilities for buildings or industrial processes. Operate equipment, such as steam engines, generators, motors, turbines, and steam boilers. |
Sample Job Titles |
1. |
Air Compressor Engineer |
2. |
Air Compressor Operator |
3. |
Air Conditioning Engineer |
4. |
Air Plant Engineer |
5. |
Auxiliary Operator |
6. |
Blowing Engineer |
7. |
Boiler Fireman |
8. |
Boiler Operator |
9. |
Boiler Operator Helper |
10. |
Boiler Plant Operator |
11. |
Boiler Room Helper |
12. |
Boiler Room Operator |
13. |
Boiler Technician |
14. |
Breaker Engineer |
15. |
Building Engineer |
16. |
Byproduct Engineer |
17. |
Compressor Operator |
18. |
Cooling System Operator |
19. |
Cooling Tower Operator |
20. |
Diesel Engine Operator |
21. |
Diesel Stationary Engineer |
22. |
Dredge Pump Operator |
23. |
Engineman |
24. |
Exhaust Worker |
25. |
Exhauster Engineer |
26. |
Fan Engine Engineer |
27. |
Fan Runner |
28. |
Fireman |
29. |
Gas Engine Operator |
30. |
Heating and Ventilating Worker |
31. |
Heating Operators Engineer |
32. |
Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning Mechanic Boiler Operator |
33. |
High Pressure Boiler Operator |
34. |
Humidifier Attendant |
35. |
Low Pressure Boiler Operator |
36. |
Low Pressure Boiler Tender |
37. |
Low Pressure Firer |
38. |
Marine Firer |
39. |
Operating Engineer |
40. |
Operating Power Plant Combustion Engineer |
41. |
Plant Operator |
42. |
Plant Utilities Engineer |
43. |
Plugman |
44. |
Power House Engineer |
45. |
Power Operator |
46. |
Power Plant Operator |
47. |
Power Station Operator |
48. |
Powerhouse Attendant |
49. |
Powerhouse Operator |
50. |
Powerhouse Tender |
51. |
Pump House Engineer |
52. |
Pump House Operator |
53. |
Pumping Station Engineer |
54. |
Refrigerating Engineer |
55. |
Refrigeration Engineer |
56. |
Retort Firer |
57. |
Stationary Boiler Fireman |
58. |
Stationary Engineer |
59. |
Stationary Engineer Apprentice |
60. |
Stationary Fireman |
61. |
Stationary Steam Engineer |
62. |
Steam Boiler Fireman |
63. |
Steam Engineer |
64. |
Steam Plant Operator |
65. |
Steam Turbine Operator |
66. |
Tank Farm Operator |
67. |
Turbo Electric Operator |
68. |
Turbo Operator |
69. |
Utilities Operator |
70. |
Ventilation Worker |
71. |
Watch Engine Operator |
72. |
Water Pump Operator |
73. |
Water Pumper |
Job Tasks |
Activate valves to maintain required amounts of water in boilers, to adjust supplies of combustion air, and to control the flow of fuel into burners.
- Adjust equipment controls to regulate gas flow.
- Adjust equipment controls to regulate flow of water, cleaning solutions, or other liquids.
Monitor and inspect equipment, computer terminals, switches, valves, gauges, alarms, safety devices, and meters to detect leaks or malfunctions and to ensure that equipment is operating efficiently and safely.
- Watch operating equipment to detect malfunctions.
- Inspect production equipment.
Monitor boiler water, chemical, and fuel levels, and make adjustments to maintain required levels.
- Monitor equipment fluid levels.
Observe and interpret readings on gauges, meters, and charts registering various aspects of boiler operation to ensure that boilers are operating properly.
- Monitor equipment operation to ensure proper functioning.
Test boiler water quality or arrange for testing and take necessary corrective action, such as adding chemicals to prevent corrosion and harmful deposits.
- Test chemical or physical characteristics of materials or products.
Analyze problems and take appropriate action to ensure continuous and reliable operation of equipment and systems.
Operate or tend stationary engines, boilers, and auxiliary equipment such as pumps, compressors, and air-conditioning equipment, to supply and maintain steam or heat for buildings, marine vessels, or pneumatic tools.
- Operate pumping systems or equipment.
- Operate energy production equipment.
Fire coal furnaces by hand or with stokers and gas- or oil-fed boilers, using automatic gas feeds or oil pumps.
- Ignite fuel to activate heating equipment.
Adjust controls and/or valves on equipment to provide power, and to regulate and set operations of system or industrial processes.
- Adjust flow of electricity to tools or production equipment.
- Operate energy distribution equipment.
Switch from automatic to manual controls and isolate equipment mechanically and electrically to allow for safe inspection and repair work.
- Operate energy distribution equipment.
Maintain daily logs of operation, maintenance, and safety activities, including test results, instrument readings, and details of equipment malfunctions and maintenance work.
- Record operational or production data.
Investigate and report on accidents.
Develop operation, safety, and maintenance procedures or assist in their development.
- Plan production or operational procedures or sequences.
Receive instructions from steam engineers regarding steam plant and air compressor operations.
- Exchange information with colleagues.
Install burners and auxiliary equipment, using hand tools.
- Assemble electromechanical or hydraulic systems.
Perform or arrange for repairs, such as complete overhauls, replacement of defective valves, gaskets, or bearings, or fabrication of new parts.
- Repair production equipment or tools.
Check the air quality of ventilation systems and make adjustments to ensure compliance with mandated safety codes.
- Monitor equipment operation to ensure proper functioning.
Ignite fuel in burners, using torches or flames.
- Ignite fuel to activate heating equipment.
Weigh, measure, and record fuel used.
- Measure ingredients or substances to be used in production processes.
- Record operational or production data.
Supervise the work of assistant stationary engineers, turbine operators, boiler tenders, or air conditioning and refrigeration operators and mechanics.
- Direct operational or production activities.
Clean and lubricate boilers and auxiliary equipment and make minor adjustments as needed, using hand tools.
- Clean production equipment.
- Lubricate production equipment.
Operate mechanical hoppers and provide assistance in their adjustment and repair.
Contact equipment manufacturers or appropriate specialists when necessary to resolve equipment problems.
- Confer with others to resolve production problems or equipment malfunctions.
Test electrical systems to determine voltages, using voltage meters.
- Test electrical equipment or systems to ensure proper functioning.
Provide assistance to plumbers in repairing or replacing water, sewer, or waste lines, and in daily maintenance activities.
- Maintain production or processing equipment.
- Repair production equipment or tools.
Work Activities |
Inspecting Equipment, Structures, or Material —
Inspecting equipment, structures, or materials to identify the cause of errors or other problems or defects. |
Monitor Processes, Materials, or Surroundings —
Monitoring and reviewing information from materials, events, or the environment, to detect or assess problems. |
Making Decisions and Solving Problems —
Analyzing information and evaluating results to choose the best solution and solve problems. |
Identifying Objects, Actions, and Events —
Identifying information by categorizing, estimating, recognizing differences or similarities, and detecting changes in circumstances or events. |
Documenting/Recording Information —
Entering, transcribing, recording, storing, or maintaining information in written or electronic/magnetic form. |
Communicating with Supervisors, Peers, or Subordinates —
Providing information to supervisors, co-workers, and subordinates by telephone, in written form, e-mail, or in person. |
Repairing and Maintaining Mechanical Equipment —
Servicing, repairing, adjusting, and testing machines, devices, moving parts, and equipment that operate primarily on the basis of mechanical (not electronic) principles. |
Controlling Machines and Processes —
Using either control mechanisms or direct physical activity to operate machines or processes (not including computers or vehicles). |
Getting Information —
Observing, receiving, and otherwise obtaining information from all relevant sources. |
Updating and Using Relevant Knowledge —
Keeping up-to-date technically and applying new knowledge to your job. |
Processing Information —
Compiling, coding, categorizing, calculating, tabulating, auditing, or verifying information or data. |
Interacting With Computers —
Using computers and computer systems (including hardware and software) to program, write software, set up functions, enter data, or process information. |
Analyzing Data or Information —
Identifying the underlying principles, reasons, or facts of information by breaking down information or data into separate parts. |
Organizing, Planning, and Prioritizing Work —
Developing specific goals and plans to prioritize, organize, and accomplish your work. |
Evaluating Information to Determine Compliance with Standards —
Using relevant information and individual judgment to determine whether events or processes comply with laws, regulations, or standards. |
Thinking Creatively —
Developing, designing, or creating new applications, ideas, relationships, systems, or products, including artistic contributions. |
Establishing and Maintaining Interpersonal Relationships —
Developing constructive and cooperative working relationships with others, and maintaining them over time. |
Judging the Qualities of Things, Services, or People —
Assessing the value, importance, or quality of things or people. |
Scheduling Work and Activities —
Scheduling events, programs, and activities, as well as the work of others. |
Repairing and Maintaining Electronic Equipment —
Servicing, repairing, calibrating, regulating, fine-tuning, or testing machines, devices, and equipment that operate primarily on the basis of electrical or electronic (not mechanical) principles. |
Training and Teaching Others —
Identifying the educational needs of others, developing formal educational or training programs or classes, and teaching or instructing others. |
Estimating the Quantifiable Characteristics of Products, Events, or Information —
Estimating sizes, distances, and quantities; or determining time, costs, resources, or materials needed to perform a work activity. |
Developing Objectives and Strategies —
Establishing long-range objectives and specifying the strategies and actions to achieve them. |
Handling and Moving Objects —
Using hands and arms in handling, installing, positioning, and moving materials, and manipulating things. |
Coaching and Developing Others —
Identifying the developmental needs of others and coaching, mentoring, or otherwise helping others to improve their knowledge or skills. |
Interpreting the Meaning of Information for Others —
Translating or explaining what information means and how it can be used. |
Performing General Physical Activities —
Performing physical activities that require considerable use of your arms and legs and moving your whole body, such as climbing, lifting, balancing, walking, stooping, and handling of materials. |
Provide Consultation and Advice to Others —
Providing guidance and expert advice to management or other groups on technical, systems-, or process-related topics. |
Developing and Building Teams —
Encouraging and building mutual trust, respect, and cooperation among team members. |
Operating Vehicles, Mechanized Devices, or Equipment —
Running, maneuvering, navigating, or driving vehicles or mechanized equipment, such as forklifts, passenger vehicles, aircraft, or water craft. |
Coordinating the Work and Activities of Others —
Getting members of a group to work together to accomplish tasks. |
Performing Administrative Activities —
Performing day-to-day administrative tasks such as maintaining information files and processing paperwork. |
Monitoring and Controlling Resources —
Monitoring and controlling resources and overseeing the spending of money. |
Assisting and Caring for Others —
Providing personal assistance, medical attention, emotional support, or other personal care to others such as coworkers, customers, or patients. |
Guiding, Directing, and Motivating Subordinates —
Providing guidance and direction to subordinates, including setting performance standards and monitoring performance. |
Resolving Conflicts and Negotiating with Others —
Handling complaints, settling disputes, and resolving grievances and conflicts, or otherwise negotiating with others. |
Drafting, Laying Out, and Specifying Technical Devices, Parts, and Equipment —
Providing documentation, detailed instructions, drawings, or specifications to tell others about how devices, parts, equipment, or structures are to be fabricated, constructed, assembled, modified, maintained, or used. |
Communicating with Persons Outside Organization —
Communicating with people outside the organization, representing the organization to customers, the public, government, and other external sources. This information can be exchanged in person, in writing, or by telephone or e-mail. |
Nature of the Work |
Working Conditions |
Interesting Fact |
The word "salary" comes from salarium, or "salt money" and was used in ancient Rome to describe the wages paid to Roman legionnaires who were compensated in salt. |
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