Don't waste extra money on a four year college when you can spend two enjoyable, affordable years at Suffolk Community College. With three campuses, there is a convenient location for all Suffolk students at SCC. Whether you attend during the day or at night, there are a multitude of programs to enrich your educational experience. Students from every background and age can take advantage of the Phi Theta Kappa honor society, creative publications and clubs. The education is top quality with caring, well-educated teachers who take extra time to make sure their students understand the material covered. Although you can enter anytime, apply a few months in advance so you can take advantage of all the financial aid available. I would definitely attend SCC again and highly recommend my alma mater. There are few cons to attending SCC other than the reputation it has as being "less" than a four year school. This rumor is definitely false because SCC is the basis for a fantastic future. Thanks to SCC, I am a successful business owner and freelance writer today.
To me, they SUNY school system has become a money system. In my major, I had to take many classes that do not even apply to my major. On top of that, the SUNY school system does not have enough occupational programs. Many of their programs are not going to help you get a real job. Good luck getting any help as far as financial aid or anything too. I am happy to have graduated college, but I will not send my kids to a SUNY school.