users have rated this college a 2.6 in terms of their own personal satisfaction with this school. This figure represents an average taken from the responses of 22 surveyed users.
Users were asked to rate their overall happiness with this school as being either "Time of my life! Best choice I ever made" (4), "I'm happy I chose this college" (3), "I have mixed feelings" (2), "Not horrible, but I probably wouldn't choose to go here again" (1), or "Worst decision I ever made" (0).
College Ratings
This college has been rated by 22 Users on more than a dozen different criteria ranging from the beauty of the campus to the beauty of its students! You can see the results below, or take a moment now to Vote for yourself.
Campus Setting
Please rate the campus setting. Beautiful buildings and public spaces? Charming environment? Amazing architecture? Stunning gardens? Or, austere and ugly?
Siberian prisons are more charming.
The most beautiful campus you’ll ever see!
(Based on voting from 22 users)
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Student Housing
Please rate the quality of campus housing. Are the dorms small, concrete boxes? Or, are they spacious and luxurious? Are there lots of common areas, kitchens, rec rooms, and other ammenities? Or, is it just a place you have to call home until you get out?
Cruel and unusual punishment!
Donald Trump-style luxury!
(Based on voting from 22 users)
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School Resources & Facilities
Please rate the quality and availability of campus resources and facilities. High quality libraries? Excellent IT and technology infrastructure? Gyms? Art galleries? Nice student center?
What library? What IT infrastructure? What student center?
More books than the Library of Congress. More technology than NASA.
(Based on voting from 22 users)
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Personal Safety
Are there enough campus police? Call boxes? Escort services? Is crime in the community prevalent? Is it a scary neighborhood?
Don't go out after dark. Ever!
If I dropped a $100 bill, I could probably find it in lost & found.
(Based on voting from 22 users)
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Teacher Support and Involvement
Are the teachers supportive and friendly? Or, are they cold and distant? Do they offer lots of personal attention? Are there lots of office hours and opportunities for one-on-one interactions? Or, do they mostly delegate student interaction to teaching assistants?
I don’t think any of
my teachers could have picked me out a line-up.
I had teachers who called me at home when I didn't show up to class.
(Based on voting from 22 users)
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School Administration
Please rate the school's administration. Very bureaucratic? Tough to get answers? Impersonal? Are you just a number to them? Or, are they remarkably helpful, personal and easy to deal with?
The most incompetant and least helpful administration you could ever image.
The least bureaucratic and most smoothly run organization I've ever known.
(Based on voting from 22 users)
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Please rate this school's level of prestige. Have most people heard of it? Are they impressed that you've gone there? Does its name on a resume help in getting jobs?
People have never heard of this college, and if they have, are not very impressed.
People are very impressed when they learn that I've gone to school here.
(Based on voting from 22 users)
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Competitiveness of the Students
Is the competition unrelenting? Do students lie, cheat and steal to get better grades? Do students stay up nights on end studying? Or, is it hard to find anyone studying at all?
"Slacker" is a generous term.
Students compete for grades as if their lives depend on it.
(Based on voting from 22 users)
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Intelligence of the Students
Were you shocked that your classmates got into college at all? Or, were you amazed at how many brillant people surrounded you every day? On a national scale, would you say that the students here are brighter than the average bear? Or, dumber than the average doorknob?
You need 10 students to change
a light bulb.
Brightest minds of their generation.
(Based on voting from 22 users)
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Party Scene
Be honest. Is it a party school? Is it hard to get any work done because everyone is partying every night? Or, is it a very tame and conversative school? Teetotalers or Animal House?
The Amish throw a better party.
We're all going to burn in hell.
(Based on voting from 22 users)
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Greek Scene
How active is the Greek system on the campus? Are there dozens of fraternities and sororities, or none at all? Do the Greeks rule the school or are they just the last refuge for lonely souls?
The only Greek scene is in the language department.
If you don't plan on joining a fraternity or a sorority, don't bother going here.
(Based on voting from 22 users)
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Attractivenss of the Students
Don't laugh! People want to know. Hotties or hidious? Gorgeous or gross? Ugly or unbelievable?
The students are so ugly their mamas make ugly jokes about them!
Concentrating in class can be very hard. I'll never again see so many beautiful people.
(Based on voting from 22 users)
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Political Affiliation of the Students
Is everyone a liberal activist? Or, is everyone a College Republican? Does this school lean left? Or, does it lean right?
(Based on voting from 22 users)
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About a third of the students at Washington and Lee University still receive some financial aid from interest on an endowment set up by George Washington in 1796.
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