Concordia College was for me a good decision. It does have several things to recommend it, such as a small student to faculty ratio and a pleasant campus. I enjoyed being able to meet my professors one on one and in a few cases develop good friendships with them. I also enjoyed being able to be on a safe campus where you could generally pull a few decent pranks without much worry of getting caught or, if caught, seriously fined. There are a few things that could be better - for example, it is a dry campus and alcohol usage is monitored very closely on campus. Fines are stiff if you get caught. There are also intervisitation hours in effect in the dorms, which you're required to stay in for two years. It's not too hard to get around them, but if you get caught there are significant fines again. If I had to do it all over again I would definitely go back. I made great friend, met great professors and, with three colleges in the town, also went to some great parties. Overall, it was everything that college should be.
While scores on the Math portion of the SAT have remained fairly consistent over the past 40 years for men, their average Verbal scores have dropped about 30 points.
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