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Anonymous |
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December 02, 2008 |
Public / Applied History and Archival Administration:
Public History, or museum work, is great by theory. The internships and artifacts are great. However, as you may well know by now college is very very expensive. For your money, this is not a good major. There are next to no jobs in this feild opening. When a job does open in this field there are so many candidates that it is unlikely that you will obtain a job. The only real jobs in History are teaching and the military. If you are antiviolence, like I am, the military is out because they will use your knowledge of the past to create conflicts of the future. Since I have a Public History focus because I did not want to teach there are no jobs. Teaching is the only thing you can use history for, except leading to Masters and PHD's to teach others about history. This is a very exciting major to study, but it becomes costly in the real world. I did enjoy studying the material and learning the old ways, but it makes more scense to go with Business. |
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Anonymous |
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May 07, 2008 |
History, General:
One pro of obtaining and having a history degree are that you can really focus on your own interests. Everything has a history - sports, movies, politics, economics, fashion, realty, etc - so there is a niche for everyone. Even a "hands-on" person has a niche in the field - historic preservation or restoration
Another benefit is that history teaches you why the world is the way it is today - politically, socially and economically. It opens your eyes to things you would have never noticed, much less appreciated before, because you have a new perspective.
It provides an excellent foundation for law school or legal work in general b/c many of the skills and abilities needed and taught are similar (At least w/ American history or a survey course)
Usually the professors are truly unique characters
This may be a con or drawback to some, but for me it was not, it was another plus - research and writing. Producing papers & essays was challenging sometimes, but it always paid off. The amount of research and writing done in history programs imbues generally strong abilities to produce well-written papers, memos, etc as well as how to find obscure information.
However rewarding history may be, there are, like all majors, some drawbacks
- Once you graduate, it is difficult to find a "history" job & if you do, generally they don't pay well; this usually leads to people pursuing a masters or doctoral degree to land a job, which might not even be history related. This is why many people end up teaching w/ a history degree
- It is a time consuming major; it was not unusual to spend several hours just reading 1 assignment for class. So if you are not a fan of reading for long periods or studying, history may not be for you
1. Take a wide range of history courses from the regular American history to military history to the history of drugs to maritime history and urban history - you will get your needed credits and have a chance to discover your favorite area of history
2. Do internships/externships and/or volunteer if you have the time - you will get to apply those concepts you learned behind the desk ( for example, I worked at a 19th century mansion and was lucky enough to put my knowledge of Architectural history and Historic Preservation to work
If I had to do it all over again, I would still choose history, but I would take a wider range of classes w/ different topics and practical skills
Now I am in law school and can tell you that if you are interested in a legal career, history is a great major - most law students are history or political science majors |
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Author: |
Anonymous |
Date: |
June 07, 2007 |
History, General:
Going into an undergraduate institution, everyone gives you advice, and typically, being that you're still stuck between adolescence and adulthood, you disregard much of this advice. But whatever you do, make sure you do not major in any Humanities department unless it is a marketable foreign language.
Much more important than choice of school (since if you move out of the area, no one's going to care that you went to a locally impressive 4-year private school), employers really only care about the fact you graduated and if your knowledge, indicated by your major, can help them.
Majoring in history means you'll either be a teacher, or after thousands in additional student loans, a professor. You could also go on to law school or work in a museum. That's about it.
I would recommend instead majoring in a foreign language, computer science or a business- or economics-based major. These are the much needed skills of the job market today. If you still feel the need to major in history, make sure you double major or have a strong minor in another more marketable field so you can play that up on your resume and get an internship that will give you the experience you need in this tough hiring climate. |
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Anonymous |
Date: |
March 28, 2007 |
American History (United States):
I thoroughly enjoyed studying American history. The classes in the major improved both my analytical and writing skills. Studying history, allows the student to examine the causes and effects of major turning events, and improves one's logic and analysis abilities.
While not directly teaching a particular skill, the writing and reading component so prevalent in the study of history is useful in other professions. for example, I am currently in law school, and constant reading and writing is required. In addition, the thought process required in each class is one of cause and effect. Studying the history or procedure of a particular case requires, analysis, organization and coherent logic, all skills which can and should be learned through the study of history. |
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Author: |
Anonymous |
Date: |
February 12, 2007 |
History, Other:
My specific major was the history of technology, medicine, and the environment. Most people think of history as incredibly boring and generally useless as a degree, but I do not feel that this is the case. History is a great major if reading/writing are your strong points. History gives you a lot of practical knowledge, not to mention some great information in case you ever end up on something like "Who Wants to be a Millionaire!". It is true that there isn't much you can do with *just* a history major; the majority of the people who study it don't plan on becoming historians. Most of us go on to graduate degrees or get a teaching certification. However, it provides a very broad base for a range of studies, such as law, library science, anthropology, and not to mention writing! It is not the degree for you if you just want to get your bachelor's and get a job, but it is a great degree overall and I would definitely study it again. |
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