There are 113 reviews of this major. |
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Author: |
Anonymous |
Date: |
February 18, 2008 |
English Language and Literature, General:
One of the reasons I selected English as a major is that I chose to attend a Liberal Arts college, and wished to build on my education after college to enter the business world. A liberal arts degree readies a person for "learning how to learn." After undergraduate work, this positions a person for either entry-level training in the business world, or post-graduate work in any particular field. The bonus of choosing English over, for instance, Political Science, History, Economics, etc., is that it provides a strong foundation in writing, with numerous iterations of book reviews, creative writing, term papers, etc., for four years. This fine-tunes the writing and grammar skills that will serve you for the rest of your life more than is possible through a writing skills course taught to business or other majors. And, of course, you get the added benefit of reading some truly excellent literature. I truly recommend the English major as a pathway to excellent writing and four years of entertaining reading.
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Author: |
Anonymous |
Date: |
December 13, 2007 |
English Language and Literature, General:
Recommended for people who don't know what to major in. Provides broad exposure to Western value systems and social behavior. Most of the assigned titles are a pleasure to read. Requires analytical thinking and good writing skills. Pro: makes you an effective communicator in any profession. Con: prospective employers often dismiss the English major as an ineffectual dreamer. Pro: if you can't land a permanent job, try freelancing as a technical writer; there's lots of work, in a variety of fields (computer, telecom, medical, et al.). I would still choose English Language and Literature as a major, because it enriched my understanding of human nature, human thought, and the 'real' world. |
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Author: |
Anonymous |
Date: |
November 30, 2007 |
English Language and Literature, General:
Good Lord, no. An English degree is known in some circles as "a license to starve."
With an English degree, you can teach. If you don't want to teach, you can learn the inner workings of a cash register.
You know all those times when someone has said to you "it doesn't matter WHAT you get your degree in, employers just want to know that you HAVE a degree"? Yeah, well, they were full of it.
You'd be better off going to a vocational school. Plumbers and mechanics make decent money, and you get to play in the mud all day--what's cooler than that?
On the other hand, I do have plenty of boring small talk ready for cocktail parties. The fact that no one I know has thrown a "cocktail party" since, oh, 1983 is a bit of a drawback, though.
Seriously. If you have an interest in literature, become an engineer and read a lot in your spare time. If you can't manage the math to become an engineer, become a dog trainer. A stonemason. A chimney sweep. ANYTHIHNG but wasting money on an English degree. |
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Author: |
Anonymous |
Date: |
September 24, 2007 |
English Language and Literature, General:
While being an English major is not an open door to a career or job, it will provide you with a very broad education. It helps you to think critically and analytically. You will cover subjects such as history, anthropology, sociology, psychology, religion and fine arts. This is a very good base for going on to a graduate degree in law, religion or education. I would recommend getting your education teaching certificate with this major just in case you ever decided to teach. But by getting a broad education, you are better equipped to pursue advanced degrees, direct yourself in study and writing. |
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Author: |
Anonymous |
Date: |
August 07, 2007 |
English Language and Literature, General:
If you're interested in any type of writing, and particularly if you want to include writing in your future, you too should major in English. It helps you tone up your writing skills, learn various writing styles, and be introduced to an amazing array of writers. However, if you don't want to teach English, but prefer to merely be a writer, you have to become creative in getting a job, because the competition is so heavy. Also, it's really true. You can't live off of writing. For a steady-paying job to support your writing, you can do proofreading or editing, write manuals for companies, speeches for others, and just having writing skills and a knowledge of the English language can be an asset in any job. I would choose this major again, |
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Author: |
Anonymous |
Date: |
July 15, 2007 |
English Language and Literature, General:
While I very much enjoyed studying English literature in college, I feel that this choice left me with very few career options. Most of the jobs I was able to get were those that only required a high school diploma to begin with, rendering my degree essentially useless. While I feel that knowledge of effective written and verbal communication skills are critical for everyone, ultimately obtaining my degree in English did less for me than I hoped it would.
I would recommend a degree in English only to those who are truly passionate about studying the language and literature, and plan to apply it in a career which will make the most of these interests. If you are considering an English degree because it seems easier than another course of study, or because you're not quite sure what else to major in, I would seriously recommend doing some further investigation to make sure that you're making the right choice.
At this time, I am actually going back to college in an unrelated field because the career prospects available to me with an English degree were so limited. While I don't entirely regret getting my English degree -- as far as I'm concerned, all knowledge is useful and worth obtaining -- I feel that I would have been better served by studying English as a minor, or as a double major with another subject more likely to be applicable outside of college. |
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