Users in this career have rated it a 2.3 in terms of their own personal satisfaction with the career. This figure represents an average taken from the responses of 169 users during registration.
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I was an operations manager at a large convention center. My position went beyond facility maintenance, housekeeping and grounds and encompassed event set-up and event technical services (AV/Lighting/Rigging) as well. The single best piece of advice I can give to anyone going into this field is...get an education. With the right education I was able to be a supervisor and manager and I saw countless times that those with education performed better, were promoted more, and earned more money. There are few educational programs that teach this career field, but a general education with an emphasis in business is helpful. The pros of this job is that it was rewarding, when we got an event ready and if went off well, it is always rewarding. The cons are that it can be very demanding, especially with a heavy event schedule and a large staff. A career in facility management is a good career becasue it is not one that many set out to do, a young motivated person with the right education can quickly get to point in their career (pay,responsibility,etc.) that many strive for years for in other careers.